Most of the time, people think that interior design and interior decorating are one and the same. What most people do not know is that interior design and interior decorating are two DIFFERENT things. Even though they have similarities, the difference between interior designing and interior decorating will be explainedContinue Reading

Cosmetic surgery has surely come a very long way. Back in the day, because they were uncertain about changing the way they look through medical procedures because of the stigma it brings or the amount of pain they might experience during the procedure. Fortunately nowadays people are open-minded and confidentContinue Reading

Wealth Management Tips After working for long hours and grinding for more in extended overtime shifts,saving money are and always been the second in priority. And when it comes to managing your hard earned salary, you wouldn’t really notice how hard not to spend your money on more important thingsContinue Reading

We often see the maid of honor holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers which the bride will toss over her shoulder on her wedding day, but do you know how that tradition started? And how are these flower hand bouquet are made? The tradition of tossing the bouquet is believedContinue Reading